Common Amazon Errors and Solutions

Learn how to avoid and fix errors while connecting or creating listings on Amazon.
Amazon Listing Errors
Common Errors
Amazon Listing Errors
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Amazon Product Details Errors

99114 The serial_num_scan_required attribute has been deprecated and the values for this attribute in your inventory file will be ignored
The "Error 99114: The serial_num_scan_required attribute has been deprecated and the values for this attribute in your inventory file will be ignored" occurs when an outdated attribute, serial_num_scan_required, is used in the product listing. Amazon no longer supports this attribute, and any values provided for it will be ignored.
99027 The value specified for the null (del-tasche-01) field cannot be the same as the value for the null (del-tasche-01) field
The "Error 99027: The value specified for the null (del-tasche-01) field cannot be the same as the value for the null (del-tasche-01) field" occurs when there is a conflict or redundancy in the values specified for a particular field in the product listing, likely due to a data entry or template issue.
99022 The field '"type"' for the attribute 'unit_count' does not have enough values
The "Error 99022: The field '"type"' for the attribute 'unit_count' does not have enough values" occurs when the unit_count attribute is missing a required field or does not provide sufficient information about the type or count of units for the product.
99019 A valid value is required in either the brand or manufacturer field
The "Error 99019: A valid value is required in either the brand or manufacturer field" occurs when a product listing is missing a valid entry for both the brand and manufacturer fields, which are essential for identifying the product's origin.
99016 A maximum of 1 occurrence(s) is/are allowed for the attribute is_framed but it currently occurs 4 times
The "Error 99016: A maximum of 1 occurrence(s) is/are allowed for the attribute is_framed but it currently occurs 4 times" occurs when the is_framed attribute is repeated multiple times in a product listing, but only one occurrence is allowed.
99013 A value is required in the item_thickness field because there are values in the dependent fields
The "Error 99013: A value is required in the item_thickness field because there are values in the dependent fields" occurs when a required attribute, item_thickness, is missing while other related attributes that depend on it are populated.
99012 The value externally_assigned_product_identifier (4,01201E+12) contains invalid characters
The "Error 99012: The value externally_assigned_product_identifier (4,01201E+12) contains invalid characters" occurs when the externally assigned product identifier (such as UPC, EAN, or ISBN) is formatted incorrectly or contains characters that are not allowed.
99011 The value in the inventory (DEFAULT) field was ignored because it is invalid or conflicts with the value in another field
The "Error 99011: The value in the inventory (DEFAULT) field was ignored because it is invalid or conflicts with the value in another field" occurs when the value provided for the inventory field is either incorrect, invalid, or conflicts with other fields in the product listing.
99010 A value is missing from one or more required columns from this group parent_sku = "parent7AB0", relationship_type = "null"
The "Error 99010: A value is missing from one or more required columns from this group parent_sku = 'parent7AB0', relationship_type = 'null'" occurs when necessary information for establishing parent-child relationships in a product listing is incomplete or missing.
99007 The value in the null (Variation) field conflicts with the value in the item_classification (Principal) field, so it was ignored
The "Error 99007: The value in the null (Variation) field conflicts with the value in the item_classification (Principal) field, so it was ignored" occurs when the value provided for the variation_theme conflicts with the item_classification field, leading to one of the values being ignored.
99005 A value is missing from one or more required fields in this group
The "Error 99005: A value is missing from one or more required fields in this group" occurs when one or more required fields in a specific group of attributes are not filled out in the product listing on Amazon.
99003 A required value is missing for the specified variation theme color_name = "null", variation_theme = "ColorName"
The "Error 99002: An EAN/UPC value in scientific notation is not allowed for external_product_id_type = "UPC", external_product_id = "4,01201E+12"" occurs when the provided UPC value is formatted in scientific notation instead of a standard numeric format.
99002 An EAN/UPC value in scientific notation is not allowed external_product_id_type = "UPC", external_product_id = "4,01201E+12"
The "Error 99001: A value is required for the department field" occurs when a required value for the department attribute is missing from the product listing on Amazon.
99001 A value is required for the department field
The "Error 99001: A value is required for the department field" occurs when a required value for the department attribute is missing from the product listing on Amazon
98888 Some dangerous goods attributes are missing
The "Error 98888: Some dangerous goods attributes are missing" occurs when required attributes related to the classification and handling of dangerous goods are not provided in the product listing on Amazon.
96008 Condition notes are not accepted for products with a new condition type
The "Error 96008: Condition notes are not accepted for products with a new condition type" occurs when a seller attempts to add condition notes to a product that is listed as 'new' on Amazon. Condition notes are only allowed for used, refurbished, or collectible items, not for new items.
95011 The value in the purchasable_offer (11
The "Error 95011: The value in the purchasable_offer (11) is invalid" occurs when the provided value for the purchasable_offer attribute does not meet Amazon’s validation rules or expected data format.
90248 Based on the data from '[apparel_size#?
The "Error 90248: Based on the data from '[apparel_size#?'" occurs when the value for the apparel_size attribute is incomplete, improperly formatted, or contains invalid data. This error can be due to missing data, incorrect size formats, or using placeholders instead of actual sizes.
90244 Invalid enumerated value 'torréfaction foncée' for attribute 'coffee_roast_level'
The "Error 90244: Invalid enumerated value 'torréfaction foncée' for attribute 'coffee_roast_level'" occurs when the provided value for the coffee_roast_level attribute is not recognized as one of the valid options allowed by Amazon.
90232 Value '2
The "Error 90232: Value '2' is invalid for the specified attribute" occurs when the provided value for an attribute does not meet the expected format or acceptable range of values as defined by Amazon.
90226 Value for 'subject_keyword' is shorter than the allowed minimum (1 characters)
The "Error 90226: Value for 'subject_keyword' is shorter than the allowed minimum (1 characters)" occurs when the provided value for the subject_keyword attribute is empty or does not meet the minimum character requirement, which is at least 1 character.
90225 Value for ‘item_name’ is longer than the allowed maximum (200 characters)
The "Error 90225: Value for ‘item_name’ is longer than the allowed maximum (200 characters)" occurs when the provided value for the item_name attribute exceeds the maximum character limit set by Amazon, which is 200 characters.
90223 Value '__' for 'product_category' is not 'int,decimal,timestamp'
The "Error 90223: Value '__' for 'product_category' is not 'int, decimal, timestamp'" occurs when the provided value for the product_category attribute does not match the expected data types (integer, decimal, or timestamp).
90221 Value '0
The "Error 90221: Value '0' is invalid for the specified attribute" occurs when the value '0' is provided for an attribute where this value is not acceptable according to Amazon's guidelines.
90220 color' is required but not supplied
The "Error 90220: 'color' is required but not supplied" occurs when the color attribute, which is mandatory for the product category, is missing from the product listing.
90205 Value 'xxx' does not meet maximum length constraint for attribute 'item_name'
The "Error 90205: Value 'xxx' does not meet maximum length constraint for attribute 'item_name'" occurs when the provided value for the item_name attribute exceeds the maximum character limit set by Amazon.
90199 Value for 'item_name' must not contain HTML tags
The "Error 90199: Value for 'item_name' must not contain HTML tags" occurs when the provided value for the item_name attribute includes HTML tags, which are not permitted by Amazon’s guidelines for this field.
90197 Value for 'display' is greater than the allowed maximum '30
The "Error 90197: Value for 'display' is greater than the allowed maximum '30'" occurs when the provided value for the display attribute exceeds the maximum limit set by Amazon, which is 30.
90196 Value for 'rtip_product_description' must not contain a URL
The "Error 90196: Value for 'rtip_product_description' must not contain a URL" occurs when the provided value for the rtip_product_description attribute includes a URL, which is not allowed by Amazon’s guidelines for this field.
90194 Value does not meet pattern constraint for attribute 'vintage'
The "Error 90194: Value does not meet pattern constraint for attribute 'vintage'" occurs when the value provided for the vintage attribute does not match the required pattern set by Amazon.
90179 The attribute 'adjustable_shoulder_straps' must not be present for this type of contribution
The "Error 90179: The attribute 'adjustable_shoulder_straps' must not be present for this type of contribution" occurs when the attribute adjustable_shoulder_straps is included in a product listing where it is not allowed or applicable according to Amazon’s guidelines for that specific product type.
90121 The value must match this pattern:
The "Error 90121: The value must match this pattern:" occurs when a value provided for an attribute does not match the required pattern of a numeric range separated by a hyphen.
90119 The value ‘0’ has fewer than the required number of characters: 2
The "Error 90119: The value ‘0’ has fewer than the required number of characters: 2" occurs when a value provided for an attribute does not meet the minimum character length requirement set by Amazon, which in this case is 2 characters.
90118 The value exceeds the maximum number of bytes allowed: 40
The "Error 90118: The value exceeds the maximum number of bytes allowed: 40" occurs when a value provided for an attribute exceeds the byte limit set by Amazon, which in this case is 40 bytes.
90117 The value exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed: 500
The "Error 90117: The value exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed: 500" occurs when a value provided for an attribute exceeds the character limit set by Amazon, which in this case is 500 characters.
90115 The value ‘11
The "Error 90115: The value ‘11’ is not valid" occurs when a value provided for an attribute is incomplete or incorrectly formatted, causing it to be unrecognized by Amazon’s system.
90114 The value ‘0’ is lower than the minimum allowed: 0
The "Error 90114: The value ‘0’ is lower than the minimum allowed: 0" occurs when a value provided for an attribute is below the minimum limit set by Amazon.
90113 The value ‘1000’ exceeds the maximum allowed:
The "Error 90113: The value ‘1000’ exceeds the maximum allowed" occurs when a value provided for an attribute exceeds the maximum limit set by Amazon.
90112 The value ‘None’ is not a valid DATE
The "Error 90112: The value ‘None’ is not a valid DATE" occurs when a date field in the product listing contains an invalid or improperly formatted value, such as the string ‘None’.
90111 The value ‘10,00’ is not a valid CURRENCY
The "Error 90111: The value ‘10,00’ is not a valid CURRENCY" occurs when the provided value for a currency attribute does not conform to Amazon’s required format for currency values.
90097 The value ‘grau’ is invalid
The "Error 90097: The value ‘grau’ is invalid" occurs when the value provided for an attribute does not meet Amazon’s accepted values, likely due to the use of non-English terms or unsupported values.
90057 To correct this error, choose from the valid set of values
The "Error 90057: To correct this error, choose from the valid set of values" occurs when a provided value for an attribute does not match the allowed set of values defined by Amazon.
90041 A value is required for the target_gender field
The "Error 90041: A value is required for the target_gender field" occurs when the target_gender attribute, which specifies the intended gender for a product, is missing.
90004401 The field 'size_class' for the attribute 'shirt_size' does not have enough values
The "Error 90004401: The field 'size_class' for the attribute 'shirt_size' does not have enough values" occurs when the size_class attribute linked to the shirt_size attribute is incomplete or missing required values.
90004205 Based on the data from '[item_form
The "Error 90004205: Based on the data from '[item_form" occurs when there is an issue with the item_form attribute in the product listing. This error indicates that the value provided for this attribute is invalid, incorrectly formatted, or missing.
90004201 Value of 'fabric_type' is not in the expected structure (check commas, percentage, spacing, etc
The "Error 90004201: Value of 'fabric_type' is not in the expected structure (check commas, percentage, spacing, etc.)" occurs when the fabric_type attribute does not follow Amazon's required format, which includes the correct use of commas, percentages, and spacing.
90004200 Value of 'fabric_type' does not contain a percentage (e
The "Error 90004200: Value of 'fabric_type' does not contain a percentage" occurs when the fabric_type attribute does not include a percentage to specify the fabric composition, which is required for textile products on Amazon.
90004118 Value does not meet pattern constraint for attribute ''Bayernwald KG Schwanenkirchner Str
The "Error 90004118: Value does not meet pattern constraint for attribute ''Bayernwald KG Schwanenkirchner Str" occurs when the value provided for a specific attribute does not conform to the required pattern or format set by Amazon.
90004115 Value for ''4890000000
The "Error 90004115: Value for ''4890000000" occurs when there is an issue with a provided attribute value that is invalid or incorrectly formatted.
90003945 Based on the data from ''[item_form
The "Error 90003945: Based on the data from ''[item_form" occurs when there is an issue with the item_form attribute, which is either missing, incorrectly formatted, or contains invalid data.
90003944 Based on the data from ''[list_price#?
The "Error 90003944: Based on the data from ''[list_price#?" occurs when there is an issue with the list_price attribute, which is either missing, incorrectly formatted, or contains invalid data.
90000644 Value '9
The "Error 90000644: Value '9' for 'attribute_name' is invalid" occurs when the provided value for a specific attribute is invalid or does not meet Amazon's requirements.
90000639 Value '0d-2' for 'item_package_weight' is not greater than the limit '0
The "Error 90000639: Value '0d-2' for 'item_package_weight' is not greater than the limit '0'" occurs when the provided value for the item package weight is invalid because it is not greater than zero.
90000596 A apparel_size#1
The "Error 90000596: A apparel_size#1" occurs when there is an issue with the size attribute in an apparel product listing. This error indicates that the size attribute provided does not meet Amazon's requirements or has been entered incorrectly.
8907 You did not provide value(s) for the key attribute(s) 'brand'
The "Error 8907: You did not provide value(s) for the key attribute(s) 'brand'" occurs when the brand attribute, which is mandatory for product listings, is missing or left blank.
8805 The product with SKU __ has requested an update of the attribute [[brand]:"trendhair designs by Lofty"]
The "Error 8805: The product with SKU __ has requested an update of the attribute [[brand]:"trendhair designs by Lofty"]" occurs when there is an attempt to update the brand attribute for a product, which Amazon does not allow through a simple update request.
8804 The variation family you are trying to create for the parent SKU __ contains inconsistent information for the attribute brand
The "Error 8804: The variation family you are trying to create for the parent SKU __ contains inconsistent information for the attribute brand" occurs when there are inconsistencies in the brand attribute among the SKUs within a variation family.
8801 The child SKU __ could not be added to parent SKU __ because child SKU __ has the same variation attributes ("size_name","color_name") and is already associated with the parent SKU
The "Error 8801: The child SKU (__) could not be added to parent SKU (__) because child SKU (__) has the same variation attributes ("size_name","color_name") and is already associated with the parent SKU" occurs when an attempt is made to add a child SKU to a parent SKU that already has another child SKU with the same variation attributes.
8572 You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list
The "Error 8572: You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list" occurs when the product identifiers provided do not correspond correctly to the products being listed on Amazon.
8567 SKU __ does not match any ASIN and contains invalid values for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN
The "Error 8567: SKU __ does not match any ASIN and contains invalid values for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN" occurs when the provided SKU does not correspond to an existing ASIN in Amazon's catalog, and the data submitted contains invalid or incorrect values for attributes necessary to create a new ASIN.
8560 SKU __ Missing Attributes brand
The "Error 8560: SKU __, Missing Attributes brand" occurs when the brand attribute is not provided for the specified SKU, which is a required field in Amazon's product listing process.
8541 The Listing data provided is different from what's already in the Amazon catalogue
The "Error 8541: The Listing data provided is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog" occurs when the details of a product listing being submitted do not match the existing data for that product in Amazon's catalog.
8115 The ConditionType for SKU is invalid
The "Error 8115: The ConditionType for SKU is invalid" occurs when the condition type assigned to a SKU does not match Amazon's accepted condition categories for product listings.
8047 The SKU ${sku} was submitted as a variation child but matches to ASIN ${item_id}, which is a variation parent
The "Error 8047: The SKU ${sku} was Submitted as a Variation Child but Matches to ASIN ${item_id}, Which is a Variation Parent" occurs when a seller attempts to list a SKU as a child variation, but Amazon identifies that the SKU matches an ASIN that is already categorized as a parent variation.
8045 The SKU ob cuba multi is a variation parent in one or more marketplaces and a variation child in another marketplace(s)
The "Error 8045: The SKU ob cuba multi is a Variation Parent in One or More Marketplaces and a Variation Child in Another Marketplace(s)" occurs when a SKU is incorrectly categorized as both a parent and a child SKU across different Amazon marketplaces.
8026 You are not authorised to list products in this category
The "Error 8026: You Are Not Authorized to List Products in This Category" occurs when a seller attempts to list a product in a restricted category for which they do not have approval from Amazon
8008 We cannot recognise your child SKU: DRWE30x40-14
The "Error 8008: We Cannot Recognize Your Child SKU: DRWE30x40-14" occurs when a seller tries to list or modify a child SKU that does not exist or is not properly registered in Amazon’s inventory system.
8007 We're unable to find the Parent SKU: bu-cs-bp in your inventory
The "Error 8007: We're Unable to Find the Parent SKU: bu-cs-bp in Your Inventory" occurs when a seller tries to list or modify a child SKU that references a parent SKU which does not exist in the seller's inventory.
6040 Item restricted due to brand replenishment category restriction
The "Error 6040: Item Restricted Due to Brand Replenishment Category Restriction" occurs when a seller attempts to list a product that falls under a brand and category combination restricted by Amazon's replenishment policies.
5665 Request Approval for xxx
The "Error 5665: Request Approval for xxx" occurs when a seller attempts to list a product under a brand or category that requires prior approval from Amazon.
5501 We did not find any products on Amazon using the product ID __ that you provided
The "Error 5501: We Did Not Find Any Products on Amazon Using the Product ID __ That You Provided" occurs when a seller tries to list a product using a Product ID that Amazon cannot match to any existing products in its database.
5009 There is a price schedule without a price value
The "Error 5009: There Is a Price Schedule Without a Price Value" occurs when a product listing on Amazon has a defined price schedule that is missing a corresponding price value.
5002 The ASIN does not exist in the marketplace
The "Error 5002: The ASIN Does Not Exist in the Marketplace" occurs when an Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) provided for a product listing cannot be found in the specified Amazon marketplace.
4400 Your seller account is not approved to offer Fulfilled by Merchant products in this category at this time
The "Error 4400: Your Seller Account Is Not Approved to Offer Fulfilled by Merchant Products in This Category at This Time" occurs when a seller tries to list products for Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) in a category for which they do not have approval from Amazon.
19125 Product Condition Complaint - Expired
The "Error 19125: Product Condition Complaint - Expired" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to customer complaints about receiving expired products, indicating potential issues with inventory management or product labeling.
19098 This ASIN has GTIN codes that do not match the brand associated to the ASIN
The "Error 19098: This ASIN has GTIN codes that do not match the brand associated to the ASIN" occurs when Amazon detects a discrepancy between the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) provided for a product and the brand information associated with that ASIN.
19038 The ‘maximum price’ is less than the selling price (excluding delivery) for the listing
The "Error 19038: The ‘maximum price’ is less than the selling price (excluding delivery) for the listing" occurs when the maximum price set in the listing is lower than the current selling price, causing a conflict in the pricing information.
18921 The item_name is too long
The "Error 18921: The item_name is too long" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the product title (item_name) exceeds the maximum allowed character limit.
18646 Missing attribute(s) "deprecated_variation_theme"
The "Error 18646: Missing attribute(s) 'deprecated_variation_theme'" occurs when a product listing on Amazon is missing the required "deprecated_variation_theme" attribute, which is essential for properly categorizing and managing product variations.
18465 The 'item_weight' attribute is missing
The "Error 18465: The 'item_weight' attribute is missing" occurs when a product listing lacks the required 'item_weight' attribute, which is essential for calculating shipping costs and displaying complete product information
18448 Attributes tagged as relevant_attributes are incomplete
The "Error 18448: Attributes tagged as relevant_attributes are incomplete" occurs when a product listing lacks required attribute information deemed essential by Amazon for accurately categorizing and displaying the product.
18442 Inaccurate information on product detail page
The "Error 18442: Inaccurate information on product detail page" occurs when a product listing contains information that does not accurately represent the product, leading to potential customer confusion or complaints.
18367 Having the most applicable product type for a product enhances both the seller and customer experiences
The "Error 18367: Having the most applicable product type for a product enhances both the seller and customer experiences" occurs when the product type assigned to a listing is not the most appropriate or specific category, affecting the listing's performance and customer search experience.
18314 Brand code could not be determined for xxx
The "Error 18314: Brand code could not be determined for [Brand]" occurs when Amazon is unable to identify or verify the brand code associated with a product listing.
18296 You are receiving this record because SKU __ in your inventory is assigned ASIN __
The "Error 18296: You are receiving this record because SKU __ in your inventory is assigned ASIN __" occurs when there is a mismatch or conflict between the SKU and ASIN assignment in your Amazon inventory.
18210 Unusual attribute value detected
The "Error 18210: Unusual Attribute Value Detected" occurs when Amazon identifies that one or more attribute values in a product listing are inconsistent, unexpected, or out of the acceptable range for the specified attribute.
18155 The ‘Minimum Price’ is Greater Than the Selling Price (Excluding Shipping) for the Listing
The "Error 18155: The ‘minimum price’ is greater than the selling price (excluding shipping) for the listing" occurs when the minimum price set for a product listing exceeds the actual selling price, causing a conflict in pricing.
18150 There was a problem with the Offer Listing that was submitted
The "Error 18150: There was a problem with the Offer Listing that was submitted" occurs when there is an issue with the details provided in an offer listing, preventing it from being processed correctly by Amazon.
18129 Attribute item_name on the ASIN ___ is Missing
The "Error 18129: Attribute item_name on the ASIN ___ is missing" occurs when the required item_name attribute is not provided or is missing for a specific ASIN in your product listing on Amazon.
18109 Duplicate product detail pages
The "Error 18109: Duplicate product detail pages" occurs when Amazon detects that the product details submitted for a new listing are too similar to an existing ASIN, potentially causing duplicate product listings.
18102 Matching could not proceed because the submission's data is not similar enough with existing data of the following candidate ASINs:
The "Error 18102: Matching could not proceed because the submission's data is not similar enough with existing data of the following candidate ASINs" occurs when the data provided in a product listing submission does not closely match the existing data of potential candidate ASINs on Amazon.
18002 Invalid attribute value(s) found: [{"attributeName":"deprecated_variation_theme","reason":"Invalid enumerated value 'OPTICAL_POWER/BASE_CURVE_RADIUS/LENS_ADDITION_POWER/UNIT_COUNT' for attribute 'deprecated_variation_theme'
The "Error 18002: Invalid attribute value(s) found" occurs when an invalid value is specified for the "deprecated_variation_theme" attribute in a product listing on Amazon.
17004 Please review your selling price and maximum price and ensure that your maximum price is greater than or equal to your selling price
The "Error 17004: Please review your selling price and maximum price and ensure that your maximum price is greater than or equal to your selling price" occurs when the specified maximum price is set lower than the selling price in a product listing on Amazon.
17003 Please review your selling price and minimum price and ensure that your minimum price is less than or equal to your selling price
The "Error 17003: Please review your selling price and minimum price and ensure that your minimum price is less than or equal to your selling price" occurs when the specified minimum price is set higher than the selling price in a product listing on Amazon.
17002 Please Review Your Selling Price and Maximum Price and Ensure That Your Maximum Price Is Greater Than or Equal to Your Selling Price
The "Error 17002: Please review your selling price and maximum price and ensure that your maximum price is greater than or equal to your selling price" occurs when the specified maximum price is set lower than the selling price in a product listing on Amazon.
17001 Please review your selling price and minimum price and ensure that your minimum price is less than or equal to your selling price
The "Error 17001: Please review your selling price and minimum price and ensure that your minimum price is less than or equal to your selling price" occurs when the specified minimum price is set higher than the selling price in a product listing on Amazon.
14012 An invalid currency code was specified for this item
The "Error 14012: An invalid currency code was specified for this item" occurs when the currency code provided in the product listing does not match the supported currency codes for the specified marketplace.
13043 0
The "Error 13043: 0" is a general error message indicating a non-specific issue during the product listing or updating process on Amazon, typically related to a zero-value error.
13013 This SKU does not exist in the Amazon
The "Error 13013: This SKU does not exist in the Amazon catalog" occurs when the SKU you are trying to update or reference in your product listing is not recognized by Amazon's catalog.
12998 The fulfilment channel associated with the given fulfilment channel code does not support the provided inventory type
The "Error 12998: The fulfillment channel associated with the given fulfillment channel code does not support the provided inventory type" occurs when there is a mismatch between the specified fulfillment channel and the type of inventory being listed.

Amazon Product Variants Errors

99006 A value is required in the variation_theme field because there are values in the dependent fields
The "Error 99006: A value is required in the variation_theme field because there are values in the dependent fields" occurs when dependent fields (such as size, color, etc.) are populated, but the variation_theme attribute, which defines the relationship between these dependent fields, is missing.
90193 A 'apparel_size' value 'm' is not less than 'apparel_size' value 'm'
The "Error 90193: A 'apparel_size' value 'm' is not less than 'apparel_size' value 'm'" occurs when there is an attempt to submit a size range for apparel where the starting size and the ending size are the same or incorrectly ordered.
8066 Please indicate that the item is a variation parent before setting up variation relationships
The "Error 8066: Please Indicate That the Item is a Variation Parent Before Setting Up Variation Relationships" occurs when a seller attempts to establish variation relationships (parent-child SKUs) without first designating the parent item.
8007 Parent SKU Not Recognized
The "Parent SKU Not Recognized" error occurs when the parent SKU provided for a product variation is not recognized by Amazon’s system, preventing the creation or updating of the product listing.
8016 Insufficient Data for Variation Relationship
The "Insufficient Data for Variation Relationship" error occurs when a product listing on Amazon lacks the necessary information to establish a parent-child relationship between product variations, preventing the variations from being properly grouped.
8022 Invalid Variation Relationship
The "Invalid Variation Relationship" error occurs when the relationship between parent and child products in a listing is incorrectly defined, preventing the variations from being properly grouped under a parent SKU on Amazon.
8801 Invalid Variation Theme
The "Invalid Variation Theme" error occurs when a product listing on Amazon uses a variation theme that is not supported for the product category, preventing the listing from being properly grouped under a parent SKU.

Amazon Media Errors

990003 The MAIN image that you have submitted shows a product that is different to the product represented by the ASIN's existing MAIN image
The "Error 990003: The MAIN image that you have submitted shows a product that is different to the product represented by the ASIN's existing MAIN image" occurs when the main image submitted for a product listing does not match the product shown in the existing main image for the same ASIN.
300429 We could not access the media at URL provided by you
The "Error 300429: We Could Not Access the Media at URL Provided by You" occurs when Amazon is unable to retrieve or load the media file from the provided URL, preventing the media from being displayed in the product listing.
300404 We could not access the media at URL __
The "Error 300404: We Could Not Access the Media at URL __" occurs when Amazon is unable to retrieve or load the media file from the provided URL, preventing the media from being displayed in the product listing.
300403 We could not access the media at URL __
The "Error 300403: We Could Not Access the Media at URL __ occurs when Amazon is unable to retrieve or load the media file from the provided URL, preventing the media from being displayed in the product listing.
300204 We could not access the media at URL https://
The "Error 300204: We Could Not Access the Media at URL https://" occurs when Amazon is unable to retrieve or load the media file from the provided URL, preventing the media from being displayed in the product listing.
300060 We could not access the media at URL http://
The "Error 300060: We Could Not Access the Media at URL http://" occurs when Amazon is unable to retrieve or load the media file from the provided URL, preventing the media from being displayed in the product listing.
20017 The image at URL __
The "Error 20017: The Image at URL __ " occurs when Amazon is unable to retrieve or process the image from the specified URL, preventing the image from being displayed in the product listing.
20015 We do not support the file type of the image uploaded
The "Error 20015: We Do Not Support the File Type of the Image Uploaded" occurs when the image file uploaded for a product listing is in a format that is not supported by Amazon, preventing the image from being accepted and displayed.
20014 The submitted image is invalid or corrupted
The "Error 20014: The Submitted Image is Invalid or Corrupted" occurs when Amazon detects that the uploaded image file is either not in a supported format, is corrupted, or cannot be processed correctly.
20012 Submitted image exceeds the maximum allowed dimension
The "Error 20012: Submitted Image Exceeds the Maximum Allowed Dimension" occurs when the images provided for a product listing exceed Amazon's maximum dimension requirements, preventing the images from being accepted and displayed.
20009 Submitted image does not meet minimum dimension requirements
The "Error 20009: Submitted Image Does Not Meet Minimum Dimension Requirements" occurs when the images provided for a product listing do not meet Amazon's minimum dimension requirements, preventing the images from being accepted and displayed.
20005 Images could not be associated with this SKU
The "Error 20005: Images Could Not Be Associated with This SKU" occurs when Amazon is unable to link or display the provided images with the specified SKU in the product listing.
20000 We could not access the media at URL __
The "Error 20000: We Could Not Access the Media at URL" occurs when Amazon is unable to retrieve or load the media file (such as an image or video) from the provided URL, preventing the media from being displayed in the product listing.
19056 We believe the main image has your product in packaging or brand/swing tags which is not permitted for this product type
The "Error 19056: We believe the main image has your product in packaging or brand/swing tags which is not permitted for this product type" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the main image displays the product in its packaging or with brand/swing tags, which is against Amazon’s image guidelines for that product category.
18918 We believe the main image has a portion of the product cropped (missing) which is not permitted for this product type
The "Error 18918: We believe the main image has a portion of the product cropped (missing) which is not permitted for this product type" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the main image does not fully display the entire product, making it non-compliant with Amazon's image guidelines.
18644 We believe the main image has a non-pure white background which is not permitted for this product type
The "Error 18644: We believe the main image has a non-pure white background which is not permitted for this product type" occurs when Amazon detects that the main image of your product does not meet its requirement for a pure white background, which is essential for certain product categories to ensure clarity and consistency.
18625 We believe the main image has props that are inside your product or obscures/surrounds your product which is not permitted for this product type
The "Error 18625: We believe the main image has props that are inside your product or obscures/surrounds your product which is not permitted for this product type" occurs when Amazon detects that the main image of your product includes props or elements that violate Amazon's image guidelines, potentially misleading customers.
18320 The main image is missing
The "Error 18320: The main image is missing" occurs when a product listing lacks the required main image, which is essential for displaying the product on Amazon.
18254 We believe the main image has a product that is too small in the image frame which is not permitted for this product type
The "Error 18254: We believe the main image has a product that is too small in the image frame which is not permitted for this product type" occurs when Amazon detects that the main product image does not adequately showcase the product, making it appear too small within the frame, which violates Amazon's image guidelines for certain categories.
18185 We believe the main image has a mannequin which is not permitted for this product type
The "Error 18185: We believe the main image has a mannequin which is not permitted for this product type" occurs when Amazon detects that the main product image includes a mannequin, which is not allowed for certain product categories.
18027 We Believe the Main Image Has Text, a Logo, Graphic, or Watermark Which Is Not Permitted for This Product Type
The "Error 18027: We believe the main image has text, a logo, graphic, or watermark which is not permitted for this product type" occurs when Amazon detects that the main image for a product listing contains elements that are not allowed, such as text, logos, graphics, or watermarks.
100239 The title and the Main image that you provided on this SKU don't seem to represent the same product
The "Error 100239: The title and the Main image that you provided on this SKU don't seem to represent the same product" occurs when Amazon's content review system detects a mismatch between the product title and the main image, indicating they do not accurately describe or depict the same item.
100238 The PT06 Image Violates Amazon Image Standards
The "Error 100238: The PT06 image violates Amazon Image Standards" occurs when an image in your product listing does not comply with Amazon's specified guidelines and standards for product images.
100236 The MAIN image has been identified as having blurred or pixelated areas
The "Error 100236: The MAIN image has been identified as having blurred or pixelated areas" occurs when Amazon's content review system flags the main product image for not meeting quality standards due to blurriness or pixelation.
100235 The PT08 image contains prohibited text or graphics
The "Error 100235: The PT08 image contains prohibited text or graphics" occurs when Amazon's content review system flags an image in your product listing for including text or graphic elements that violate Amazon’s guidelines.
Too Many Images
The "Too Many Images" error occurs when a seller attempts to upload more images for a product listing on Amazon than the maximum allowed limit.
Image Compliance Error
The "Image Compliance Error" occurs when the images provided for a product listing on Amazon do not meet the platform's image quality or content standards.

Amazon Policies Errors

99300 Product Detail Page Rules Violation (Inaccurate information on product detail page)
The "Error 99300: Product Detail Page Rules Violation (Inaccurate information on product detail page)" occurs when the product listing contains information that Amazon's system flags as inaccurate or misleading. This can include discrepancies in product descriptions, titles, images, or any other details provided in the listing.
990102 Relationship from parent SKU 52050 to child SKU 52050 was refused because the SKU 52050 would enter a circular relationship when traversing package_contains hierarchy relationships from the root
The "Error 990102: Relationship from parent SKU 52050 to child SKU 52050 was refused because the SKU 52050 would enter a circular relationship when traversing package_contains hierarchy relationships from the root" occurs when the defined relationship between a parent SKU and its child SKU creates a loop or circular reference.
990100 The parent SKU __was refused because there exists at least one non-approved package_contains relationship
The "Error 990100: The parent SKU __was refused because there exists at least one non-approved package_contains relationship" occurs when the parent SKU's package contains relationship with one or more child SKUs has not been approved by Amazon.
99008 The value in the null (Variation) field conflicts with the value in the child_id (1) field
The "Error 99008: The value in the null (Variation) field conflicts with the value in the child_id (1) field" occurs when the values provided in the variation_theme field and the child_id field are incompatible, leading to a conflict in defining the relationship between the parent and child SKUs.
97779 Please reduce your generic keyword length to less than generic_keyword bytes
The "Error 97779: Please reduce your generic keyword length to less than generic_keyword bytes" occurs when the total length of the generic keywords provided exceeds the maximum allowed byte limit set by Amazon.
96009 The listing title is more than the allowed character limit
The "Error 96009: The listing title xxx is more than x characters" occurs when the provided listing title exceeds the maximum character limit set by Amazon for that product category.
95032 The value in the fc_shelf_life field must be less than or equal to the value in the field
The "Error 95032: The value in the fc_shelf_life field must be less than or equal to the value in the corresponding field" occurs when the provided shelf life for a product exceeds the maximum allowable shelf life as defined by Amazon's guidelines or related fields.
95031 A quantity discount over 50% was provided
The "Error 95031: A quantity discount over 50% was provided" occurs when a seller sets a quantity discount that exceeds 50% of the product's listed price on Amazon, which is against Amazon's policies.
95030 A quantity discount over 50% off on the business price was provided
The "Error 95030: A quantity discount over 50% off on the business price was provided" occurs when a seller sets a quantity discount that exceeds 50% of the business price for a product on Amazon, which is against Amazon's policies.
90202 There is a restriction in effect at the item level (because of item-level gatings on an offer)
The "Error 90202: There is a restriction in effect at the item level (because of item-level gatings on an offer)" occurs when a product listing is restricted due to item-level gating, which means Amazon has placed specific restrictions on the item that prevent it from being listed or sold under certain conditions.
90188 Value does not satisfy ISBN/UCCID checksum requirements for attribute 'ean8'
The "Error 90188: Value does not satisfy ISBN/UCCID checksum requirements for attribute 'ean8'" occurs when the provided value for the ean8 attribute does not pass the required checksum validation for EAN-8 codes.
90183 Attribute 'hazmat' does not have the expected value(s)
The "Error 90183: Attribute 'hazmat' does not have the expected value(s)" occurs when the value provided for the hazmat attribute does not match the expected options defined by Amazon for identifying hazardous materials.
90147 A ‘manufacturer_minimum_age#1
The "Error 90147: A ‘manufacturer_minimum_age#1’ value is missing or invalid" occurs when the value for the manufacturer_minimum_age attribute is either not provided or does not meet Amazon’s formatting or value requirements.
90004117 A maximum of 1 occurrence(s) is/are allowed for the attribute 'hard_disk' but it currently occurs 2 times
The "Error 90004117: A maximum of 1 occurrence(s) is/are allowed for the attribute 'hard_disk' but it currently occurs 2 times" occurs when the hard_disk attribute is included more than once in a product listing. Amazon requires that the hard_disk attribute appear only once per listing to ensure data consistency.
90001131 Value for 'item_name' must not contain HTML tags
The "Error 90001131: Value for 'item_name' must not contain HTML tags" occurs when the product title (item_name) includes HTML tags, which Amazon does not allow in product titles.
8802 Your feed has a parent/child relationship between parent SKU (__) and child SKU (__) that cannot be created
The "Error 8802: Your feed has a parent/child relationship between parent SKU (__) and child SKU (__) that cannot be created" occurs when there is an issue with establishing the specified parent-child relationship in Amazon's system.
8684 SKU __ is associated to more than 1 GCID, which is not allowed
The "Error 8684: SKU __ is associated with more than 1 GCID, which is not allowed" occurs when a single SKU is linked to multiple Global Catalog Identifiers (GCIDs) in Amazon's system, which is prohibited.
8603 You cannot change the 'item_classification' for SKU '__' by submitting a feed with a new value
The "Error 8603: You cannot change the 'item_classification' for SKU '__' by submitting a feed with a new value" occurs when there is an attempt to modify the 'item_classification' attribute of an existing SKU through a data feed, which Amazon does not allow.
8566 SKU does not match any ASIN and the product data provided is not eligible for ASIN creation
The "Error 8566: SKU does not match any ASIN and the product data provided is not eligible for ASIN creation" occurs when the provided SKU does not correspond to an existing ASIN in Amazon's catalog, and the data submitted does not meet Amazon's criteria for creating a new ASIN.
8123 The item with SKU __ cannot be modified because it matches a deleted item
The "Error 8123: The item with SKU __ cannot be modified because it matches a deleted item" occurs when an attempt is made to modify a SKU that corresponds to an item previously deleted from Amazon's catalog.
8105 The data that you provided for an attribute is invalid
The "Error 8105: The data that you provided for an attribute is invalid" occurs when an attribute value for a product listing does not meet Amazon’s data requirements or format standards.
8080 The content in attribute {item_description} does not conform to detail page requirements because it contains HTML or other types of text markup or code
The "Error 8080: The Content in Attribute {item_description} Does Not Conform to Detail Page Requirements Because It Contains HTML or Other Types of Text Markup or Code" occurs when the item description provided for a product contains HTML tags, text markup, or code, which is not allowed by Amazon's listing guidelines.
8058 Some attributes are missing for SKU
The "Error 8058: Some Attributes Are Missing for SKU" occurs when essential product attributes are not provided for a specific SKU in the listing or update process on Amazon.
8056 The SKU __ was submitted with incorrect ASIN provided as the "external product ID"
The "Error 8056: The SKU __ was Submitted with Incorrect ASIN Provided as the 'External Product ID'" occurs when a seller attempts to list or update a product using an invalid or incorrect ASIN in the external product ID field.
8055 There is no record of the SKU corresponding to this update on your account
The "Error 8055: There Is No Record of the SKU Corresponding to This Update on Your Account" occurs when a seller attempts to update or modify a SKU that is not recognized in their Amazon seller account.
8040 You may not create new variation relationships for this brand
The "Error 8040: You May Not Create New Variation Relationships for This Brand" occurs when a seller tries to establish new variation relationships (e.g., parent-child SKUs) for a brand that has restrictions preventing such actions.
8036 We have temporarily removed your ability to create relationships between ASINs because of your recent policy violation
The "Error 8036: We Have Temporarily Removed Your Ability to Create Relationships Between ASINs Because of Your Recent Policy Violation" occurs when Amazon temporarily restricts a seller's ability to create or manage ASIN relationships due to a recent policy violation.
8029 The attribute you are attempting to update (attribute: customer_return_policy) is protected and cannot be updated by non-authorized selling partners
The "Error 8029: The Attribute You Are Attempting to Update (attribute: customer_return_policy) is Protected and Cannot Be Updated by Non-Authorized Selling Partners" occurs when a seller tries to modify the customer return policy attribute, which is restricted and can only be updated by authorized sellers.
8016 The product data provided was insufficient for creating a variation (parent/child) relationship for SKU: __
The "Error 8016: The Product Data Provided Was Insufficient for Creating a Variation (Parent/Child) Relationship for SKU: __" occurs when the necessary product data for establishing a parent/child relationship between SKUs is incomplete or incorrect.
8005 You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU
The "Error 8005: You Are Attempting to Change an Identity Attribute for This SKU" occurs when a seller tries to modify an attribute that uniquely identifies a product (such as brand, manufacturer, or product ID) which Amazon has restricted from being changed.
6038 Merchant is not authorized to sell products under this GL and product type (PTD)
The "Error 6038: Merchant Is Not Authorized to Sell Products Under This GL and Product Type (PTD)" occurs when a seller attempts to list a product in a specific category (GL - General Ledger) and product type (PTD - Product Type Details) for which they do not have authorization from Amazon.
6024 You are not authorised to list products under this brand
The "Error 6024: You Are Not Authorized to List Products Under This Brand" occurs when a seller attempts to list a product under a brand for which they do not have authorization from Amazon.
5995 You may not change the brand name on this ASIN
The "Error 5995: You May Not Change the Brand Name on This ASIN" occurs when a seller attempts to update the brand name for an existing ASIN, which is restricted to prevent unauthorized modifications.
5886 We have identified that you are attempting to contribute to a restricted generic ASIN on which you have not contributed in the past, such as by trying to change the detail page create or update an offer
The "Error 5886: We Have Identified That You Are Attempting to Contribute to a Restricted Generic ASIN on Which You Have Not Contributed in the Past" occurs when a seller attempts to modify a product detail page, create a new listing, or update an offer for a restricted generic ASIN they have not previously contributed to.
5885 We have identified that you may be attempting to contribute (for example, change detail page, create or update offer and so on
The "Error 5885: We Have Identified That You May Be Attempting to Contribute" occurs when a seller attempts to change a detail page, create, or update an offer, and Amazon detects potential issues with the contribution.
5666 Amazon must approve your brand before you can use it to list products
The "Error 5666: Amazon Must Approve Your Brand Before You Can Use It to List Products" occurs when a seller attempts to list a product under a brand that has not been approved by Amazon.
5461 You may not create new ASINs for the brand xxx
The "Error 5461: You May Not Create New ASINs for the Brand XXX" occurs when a seller attempts to create a new ASIN for a brand they are not authorized to list or create new products for on Amazon.
19122 Copyright Infringement
The "Error 19122: Copyright Infringement" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to the unauthorized use of copyrighted material, indicating potential intellectual property violations.
19108 Product Safety Issue
The "Error 19108: Product Safety Issue" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to identified safety concerns that may pose a risk to consumers.
19084 This product has other listing limitations
The "Error 19084: This product has other listing limitations" occurs when Amazon restricts a product listing due to various compliance, policy, or regulatory issues that prevent the listing from being fully activated or visible to customers.
19083 Trademark on Product
The "Error 19083: Trademark on Product" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to the unauthorized use of a trademark on the product itself, indicating a potential intellectual property infringement.
19081 Product Safety Issue
The "Error 19081: Product Safety Issue" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to identified safety concerns that may pose a risk to consumers.
19066 Product Safety Issue
The "Error 19066: Product Safety Issue" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to concerns about the safety of the product, indicating potential risks to consumers.
19045 Market Withdrawal
The "Error 19045: Market Withdrawal" occurs when Amazon removes a product from the marketplace due to serious issues such as safety concerns, regulatory non-compliance, or significant customer complaints.
19042 Listing Violation
The "Error 19042: Listing Violation" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to non-compliance with Amazon’s policies and guidelines, indicating that the listing violates one or more of Amazon’s rules.
19040 Product Recall
The "Error 19040: Product Recall" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the product has been identified for recall due to safety or compliance issues.
19035 Design Right Misuse COITROZR
The "Error 19035: Design Right Misuse COITROZR" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing for infringing on design rights, indicating unauthorized use of a design that is protected by intellectual property laws.
19021 Trademark on Product Detail Page
The "Error 19021: Trademark on Product Detail Page" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to the unauthorized use of a trademark in the product title, description, images, or other listing details.
19006 Parallel Import
The "Error 19006: Parallel Import" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because it is identified as a parallel import, which means it was imported and sold through unauthorized channels, potentially violating trademark or distribution agreements.
18977 Counterfeit Without a Test Buy
The "Error 18977: Counterfeit Without a Test Buy" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing as potentially counterfeit based on various indicators, without the need for a physical purchase and verification of the item.
18975 Product Condition Complaint – Wrong Version
The "Error 18975: Product Condition Complaint – Wrong Version" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to customer complaints that the product received is not the version that was advertised or expected.
18971 This product has other listing limitations
The "Error 18971: This product has other listing limitations" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to various restrictions or limitations, such as category restrictions, compliance issues, or specific brand requirements.
18967 Product Safety Issue
The "Error 18967: Product Safety Issue" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to concerns about the safety of the product, indicating potential risks to consumers or non-compliance with safety standards.
18940 Your offer is paused because you cancelled multiple customer orders
The "Error 18940: Your offer is paused because you cancelled multiple customer orders" occurs when Amazon temporarily suspends your product listing due to a high cancellation rate of customer orders, which can negatively impact customer trust and the overall shopping experience.
18917 Product Safety Issue
The "Error 18917: Product Safety Issue" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to concerns about the safety of the product, indicating potential risks to consumers or non-compliance with safety standards.
18914 Product Recall
The "Error 18914: Product Recall" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the product has been recalled by the manufacturer or regulatory authorities due to safety concerns, defects, or other issues.
18909 The item_name does not contain any relevant product information
The "Error 18909: The item_name does not contain any relevant product information" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the product title (item_name) lacks sufficient or relevant details about the product, making it difficult for customers to understand what is being offered.
18888 Market Withdrawal
The "Error 18888: Market Withdrawal" occurs when Amazon removes a product from the marketplace, typically due to regulatory issues, safety concerns, legal requirements, or requests from manufacturers or brand owners.
18875 Copyright Infringement
The "Error 18875: Copyright Infringement" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing for potentially violating copyright laws, indicating that the content or product infringes on the copyrighted work of another party.
18864 This product has other listing limitations
The "Error 18864: This product has other listing limitations" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to various restrictions or limitations, such as category restrictions, compliance issues, or specific brand requirements.
18861 An The product type '8608000' is invalid
The "Error 18861: An error was received from Item Master: The product type '8608000' is invalid" occurs when Amazon's system flags a product listing because the specified product type does not exist or is incorrect.
18852 Market Withdrawal
The "Error 18852: Market Withdrawal" occurs when Amazon removes a product from the marketplace, typically due to regulatory issues, safety concerns, legal requirements, or requests from manufacturers or brand owners.
18850 Product Condition Complaint – Expired
The "Error 18850: Product Condition Complaint – Expired" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to customer complaints that the product being sold is expired or has passed its best-before date.
18844 You are not approved to list products with this brand
The "Error 18844: You are not approved to list products with this brand" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the seller has not obtained the necessary approval to list products under the specified brand.
18839 Copyright Infringement
The "Error 18839: Copyright Infringement" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing for potentially violating copyright laws, indicating that the content or product infringes on the copyrighted work of another party.
18799 Patent Infringement
The "Error 18799: Patent Infringement" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because it potentially infringes on a patented technology or design, leading to a violation of intellectual property rights.
18787 Market Withdrawal
The "Error 18787: Market Withdrawal" occurs when Amazon removes a product from the marketplace, often due to regulatory issues, safety concerns, legal requirements, or requests from manufacturers or brand owners.
18769 This product has other listing limitations
The "Error 18769: This product has other listing limitations" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing due to various restrictions or limitations, such as category restrictions, compliance issues, or specific brand requirements.
18760 This warning is just informational and does not block your update
The "Error 18760: This warning is just informational and does not block your update" is an informational message from Amazon indicating a potential issue with your product listing, but it does not prevent the listing from being updated or published.
18749 You need approval to list this brand
The "Error 18749: You need approval to list this brand" occurs when Amazon requires sellers to obtain specific approval before listing products under certain brands, typically due to brand protection policies or to prevent counterfeit and unauthorized sales.
18748 You need approval to list products with Frustration-Free Packaging
The "Error 18748: You need approval to list products with Frustration-Free Packaging" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the seller has not obtained the necessary approval to list products under Amazon's Frustration-Free Packaging (FFP) program.
18738 ‘A problem was encountered while processing your submission
The "Error 18738: A problem was encountered while processing your submission" occurs when Amazon's system experiences an issue while attempting to process the data submitted for a product listing, potentially due to formatting errors, missing information, or system glitches.
18732 A German packaging (LUCID) registration number is required
The "Error 18732: A German packaging (LUCID) registration number is required" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because it lacks the necessary LUCID registration number required under German packaging laws, indicating non-compliance with local environmental regulations.
18730 The brand xxx for this ASIN is not identified in Brand Registry
The "Error 18730: The brand xxx for this ASIN is not identified in Brand Registry" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the brand associated with the ASIN is not registered in Amazon's Brand Registry, indicating potential trademark or authenticity issues.
18729 We believe the main image has prohibited badging which is not permitted for this product type
The "Error 18729: We believe the main image has prohibited badging which is not permitted for this product type" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the main image includes unauthorized badges, logos, or symbols that violate Amazon’s image guidelines for the specific product type.
18701 The selling price was identified as a potential high pricing error
The "Error 18701: The selling price was identified as a potential high pricing error" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing because the selling price is significantly higher than the acceptable range, potentially due to pricing errors or attempts at price gouging.
18685 Trademark Text Misuse LEXMARK
The "Error 18685: Trademark Text Misuse LEXMARK" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing for unauthorized or incorrect use of the LEXMARK trademark in the text of the listing, potentially violating trademark rights.
18676 Parallel Import
The "Error 18676: Parallel Import" occurs when Amazon identifies a product as a parallel import, meaning the product was imported and sold outside the official distribution channels of the brand owner, potentially violating trademark or distribution agreements.
18668 Product Safety Issue
The "Error 18668: Product Safety Issue" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing for potential safety concerns, indicating that the product may pose a risk to consumers due to non-compliance with safety standards or regulations.
18656 Patent Infringement
The "Error 18656: Patent Infringement" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing for potentially violating a registered patent, indicating that the product may unlawfully use patented technology or design.
18653 Trademark Logo Misuse TOSHIBA
The "Error 18653: Trademark Logo Misuse TOSHIBA" occurs when a product listing on Amazon is flagged for unauthorized or incorrect use of the TOSHIBA trademark or logo, indicating potential trademark infringement.
18652 Not as Described – Incomplete Product
The "Error 18652: Not as Described – Incomplete Product" occurs when customers report that the product they received does not match the description provided in the listing, specifically indicating that parts or components are missing.
18647 Counterfeit Without a Test Buy
The "Error 18647: Counterfeit Without a Test Buy" occurs when Amazon flags a product listing as potentially counterfeit based on various factors, without conducting a physical purchase and examination of the item.
18639 The selling price was identified as a potential low pricing error
The "Error 18639: The selling price was identified as a potential low pricing error" occurs when the listed selling price of a product is significantly lower than Amazon's accepted pricing guidelines, potentially leading to concerns of pricing manipulation, error, or negative impact on the market value.
18623 You are not approved to list products with this brand
The "Error 18623: You are not approved to list products with this brand" occurs when a seller attempts to list a product from a brand that requires pre-approval by Amazon to ensure the seller meets specific requirements and standards set by the brand.
18622 Product Recall
The "Error 18622: Product Recall" occurs when a product you are attempting to list or continue selling on Amazon has been flagged due to a recall issued by the manufacturer, a regulatory body, or Amazon itself, indicating serious safety or compliance issues.
18616 Sellers are requested to provide an EU Responsible Person for CE-marked products
The "Error 18616: Sellers are requested to provide an EU Responsible Person for CE-marked products" occurs when a product listing on Amazon requires the designation of an EU Responsible Person to comply with European Union regulations for CE-marked products.
18605 Product Detail Page Tampering
The "Error 18605: Product Detail Page Tampering" occurs when Amazon detects unauthorized or suspicious changes to the product detail page, which may include altering product descriptions, images, or other key details in a manner that violates Amazon’s policies.
18599 Product Recall
The "Error 18599: Product Recall" occurs when a product you are attempting to list or continue selling on Amazon has been flagged due to a recall issued by the manufacturer, a regulatory body, or Amazon itself, indicating serious safety or compliance issues.
18570 You need approval to list this brand
The "Error 18570: You need approval to list this brand" occurs when a seller attempts to list a product from a brand that requires pre-approval by Amazon to ensure the seller meets specific requirements and standards set by the brand.
18564 The asin __was identified as a duplicate to other high rank asin
The "Error 18564: The ASIN __was identified as a duplicate to other high rank ASIN" occurs when Amazon identifies that the product you are trying to list is already represented by another high-ranking ASIN, indicating a duplicate listing.
18561 Product Condition Complaint – Wrong Product
The "Error 18561: Product Condition Complaint – Wrong Product" occurs when customers report receiving a product that is different from what was described or expected, indicating a discrepancy between the listed product and the delivered item.
18559 This ASIN is suppressed due to problems with its parent ASIN __
The "Error 18559: This ASIN is suppressed due to problems with its parent ASIN" occurs when a child ASIN (individual product) is suppressed because its parent ASIN (product variation group) has issues that need to be resolved.
18556 Restricted Products Policy Violations
The "Error 18556: Restricted Products Policy Violations" occurs when a product listing violates Amazon's policies regarding restricted products, which include items that are prohibited, require special approval, or have specific listing requirements.
18555 The selling price was identified as a potential high pricing error
The "Error 18555: The selling price was identified as a potential high pricing error" occurs when the listed selling price of a product is significantly higher than Amazon's accepted pricing guidelines, potentially leading to concerns of price gouging or customer dissatisfaction.
18540 The item_name has the following prohibited phrase(s) Valentinstag Geschenk, which are not compliant with Amazon policy and should be removed from the item_name
The "Error 18540: The item_name has the following prohibited phrase(s) Valentinstag Geschenk, which are not compliant with Amazon policy and should be removed from the item_name" occurs when a product listing contains phrases that violate Amazon's policy regarding item names.
18532 Unauthorised Distribution
The "Error 18532: Unauthorized Distribution" occurs when a product listing is flagged because the seller is not authorized to distribute the product, typically due to restrictions set by the manufacturer or brand owner.
18518 Product Safety Issue
The "Error 18518: Product Safety Issue" occurs when a product listing is flagged for potential safety concerns, indicating that the product may not comply with Amazon's safety standards or regulatory requirements.
18516 Trademark on Product
The "Error 18516: Trademark on Product" occurs when a product listing is flagged for containing trademarks that you do not have the rights or authorization to use, indicating potential infringement on intellectual property rights.
18512 Product Safety Issue
The "Error 18512: Product Safety Issue" occurs when a product listing is flagged for potential safety concerns, indicating that the product may not comply with Amazon's safety standards or regulatory requirements.

Amazon Shipping Errors

33033 Dispatch option 'ES Std Domestic' is invalid
The "Error 33033: Dispatch Option 'ES Std Domestic' is Invalid" occurs when an invalid or unsupported dispatch option is selected for a product listing on Amazon.
FBA Listings Not Approved
The "FBA Listings Not Approved" error occurs when a seller's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) product listings do not meet Amazon's approval criteria, potentially due to policy violations, incomplete information, or restricted product categories.
8579 Incorrect Fulfillment Method
The "Incorrect Fulfillment Method" error occurs when the chosen fulfillment method for a product listing on Amazon does not match the seller's settings or the product category requirements.
8577 Shipping Template Error
The "Shipping Template Error" occurs when there is an issue with the shipping template assigned to a product listing on Amazon, potentially due to incorrect settings, non-compliance with shipping policies, or mismatches with the product category.

Amazon System Errors

99102 The value assigned to externally_assigned_product_identifier (EAN) did not correspond with the value for externally_assigned_product_identifier (__) and was corrected to
The "Error 99102: The value assigned to externally_assigned_product_identifier (EAN) did not correspond with the value for externally_assigned_product_identifier (__) and was corrected to" occurs when the EAN provided does not match or correspond correctly with the other externally assigned product identifiers like the ASIN, UPC, or another EAN. Amazon's system detects the mismatch and corrects it, but the listing may still need further adjustment.
99038 The brand field contains an invalid value
The "Error 99038: The brand field contains an invalid value" occurs when the value provided for the brand field is not recognized or accepted by Amazon's system.
99036 The merchant_shipping_group (Standardvorlage Amazon) field contains an invalid value
The "Error 99036: The merchant_shipping_group (Standardvorlage Amazon) field contains an invalid value" occurs when the value provided for the merchant_shipping_group field is not recognized or accepted by Amazon's system.
99028 Value '1
The "Error 99028: Value '1" error occurs when a value provided in a product listing is incomplete, incorrectly formatted, or truncated, leading to an unrecognized or invalid entry by Amazon's system.
8803 Your feed has a parent/child relationship between parent SKU __ that cannot be created
The "Error 8803: Your feed has a parent/child relationship between parent SKU __ and child SKU __ that cannot be created" occurs when there is an issue with establishing the specified parent-child relationship in Amazon's system.
8103 Invalid ProductType value for SKU: 02700-20
The "Error 8103: Invalid ProductType value for SKU: 02700-20" occurs when the product type assigned to the SKU is not recognized or accepted by Amazon's system.
8057 Item condition for SKU: __
The "Error 8057: Item Condition for SKU: __" occurs when there is an issue with the specified item condition for a SKU in Amazon's system.
8032 We're unable to assign a child SKU to more than one parent SKU
The "Error 8032: We're Unable to Assign a Child SKU to More Than One Parent SKU" occurs when a seller attempts to link a child SKU to multiple parent SKUs, which is not allowed by Amazon's system.
4000000 An internal error has occurred
The "Error 4000000: An Internal Error Has Occurred" indicates that an unspecified internal issue has occurred within Amazon's system, preventing the completion of the requested action.
18821 Automatic translation failed from DE to FR
The "Error 18821: Automatic translation failed from DE to FR" occurs when Amazon's system encounters an issue while automatically translating product information from German (DE) to French (FR), resulting in the failure of the translation process.
18429 Amazon encountered an issue during processing
The "Error 18429: Amazon encountered an issue during processing" occurs when there is a technical problem or glitch in Amazon’s system that prevents the processing of your product listing or other related actions.
13005 An error occurred
The "Error 13005: An error occurred" is a general error message indicating that an unspecified issue has been detected during the product listing or updating process on Amazon.
100325 Automatic translation failed from __ to __
The "Error 100325: Automatic translation failed from __ to __" occurs when Amazon's system is unable to automatically translate the product listing content from one language to another, typically due to formatting issues, unsupported characters, or system errors.
20006 Suppressed Listing
The "Suppressed Listing" error occurs when Amazon removes a product listing from search results due to non-compliance with its listing quality standards, such as missing or incorrect information, policy violations, or poor performance metrics.
XML Parsing Error: Invalid Enumeration Value
The "XML Parsing Error: Invalid Enumeration Value" occurs when the XML data submitted for a product listing on Amazon contains an invalid value for an attribute that is restricted to a specific set of allowable values.
XML Parsing Error: Invalid Content
The "XML Parsing Error: Invalid Content" occurs when the XML data submitted for a product listing on Amazon contains content that does not conform to the expected format or data type, causing the XML parser to fail.

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