Common eBay Errors and Solutions

Learn how to avoid and fix errors while connecting or creating listings on eBay.
eBay Listing Errors
Common Errors
eBay Listing Errors
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eBay Product Details Errors

21919263 Auto Decline price must be less than Auto Accept price.
The "Auto Decline price must be less than Auto Accept price" error occurs when the automatic decline price set for offers on an eBay listing is equal to or greater than the automatic accept price, violating eBay's pricing rules.
21919154 Return policy is required.
The "Return Policy is Required" error occurs when an attempt is made to list or update a product on eBay without specifying a return policy, which is mandatory for most listings on the platform.
21919008 Discounted pricing is applicable for fixed price items only.
The "Discounted pricing is applicable for fixed price items only" error occurs when an attempt is made to apply discounted pricing to a listing that is not a fixed price item, which is not allowed by eBay's pricing rules.
21917122 All compatibilities are invalid, Item not listed.
The "All compatibilities are invalid, Item not listed" error occurs when a product listing on eBay contains invalid compatibility information, preventing the item from being listed.
21916930 Cannot change condition value
The "The original condition value will be kept because you are revising an active listing" error occurs when an attempt is made to change the condition of an item on an active eBay listing, which is not allowed once the listing is live.
21916924 Revise item failed.
The "Payment instructions cannot be revised if the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours" error occurs when an attempt is made to change the payment instructions on an eBay listing that already has bids, active Best Offers, or is within 12 hours of ending.
21916783 Invalid Buy It Now price.
The "Buy It Now price should be at least 30% more than your starting price" error occurs when the Buy It Now price set for an eBay auction listing is not sufficiently higher than the starting bid price, violating eBay's pricing rules.
21916605 Only single item quantity is permitted for this listing.
The "Only single item quantity is permitted when the listing is in auction-style or under selected categories in Fixed Price format" error occurs when a seller attempts to list multiple quantities of an item in a format or category that only allows single item listings on eBay.
21916250 Return policy is not specified.
The "A return policy must be specified" error occurs when a product listing on eBay does not include a return policy, which is a mandatory field for all listings.
21916281 Approved electronic payment method is missing
payment method" error occurs when a seller tries to list an item on eBay without selecting PayPal or another approved electronic payment method.
22005 Minimum Best Offer Price Error
The "The Minimum Best Offer Price entered has an invalid value" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies a Minimum Best Offer Price that does not comply with eBay's guidelines or is incorrectly formatted.
51128 Handling time cannot be revised.
The "The handling time cannot be changed if an auction-style listing has a bid or ends within 12 hours, or a fixed price listing has a pending Best Offer" error occurs when a seller attempts to change the handling time under conditions where eBay restricts modifications to the listing.
10065 Currency cannot be changed.
The "Currency is unchangeable when revising or relisting an item" error occurs when a seller attempts to change the currency of an existing listing during the revision or relisting process on eBay, which is not allowed by eBay's policies.
10027 Revise item failed.
The "Cannot change an auction to private or vice versa if the item has bid or is ending in 12 hours" error occurs when a seller attempts to switch the privacy setting of an auction listing that either has active bids or is within 12 hours of ending.
10039 Listing cannot be revised.
The "The title or subtitle cannot be changed if an auction-style listing has a bid, pending offer, or ends within 12 hours; or if a fixed price listing has a pending offer or sale" error occurs when a seller attempts to change the title or subtitle of a listing that has active bids, pending offers, or sales, or is within 12 hours of ending.
95 Invalid auction currency.
The "The auction currency specified does not match the auction currency for the selected site" error occurs when a product listing on eBay uses a currency that is not supported or recognized by the eBay site selected for the auction.
73 Price is not valid.
The "The price in the listing is either invalid or below the minimum price of US $0.99" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes a price that is either formatted incorrectly or is set below eBay's minimum allowable price of $0.99.
106 Description is missing.
The "A description is required" error occurs when a product listing on eBay lacks a description, which is mandatory for providing buyers with essential information about the item.
515 Quantity is not valid.
The "The quantity must be a valid number greater than 0" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies an invalid quantity, which must be a positive number greater than zero.
354 Payment method is missing.
The "You must choose at least one payment method" error occurs when a product listing on eBay does not specify any accepted payment methods, which are required to complete the listing process.
240 The item cannot be listed or modified.
The "The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy" error occurs when a product listing on eBay contains prohibited content or violates eBay’s policies.
195 Buy It Now price must be higher than starting price.
The "The Buy It Now price must be higher than the starting price" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies a Buy It Now price that is equal to or lower than the starting auction price, which is not allowed.
190 Buy It Now price must be higher than or equal to the starting and reserve price.
The "The Buy It Now price must be higher than or equal to the starting and reserve price" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies a Buy It Now price that is lower than the starting or reserve price, which is not allowed.
81 Starting price must be less than reserve price.
The "The starting price must be less than the reserve price" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies a starting auction price that is higher than or equal to the reserve price, which is not allowed.

eBay Product Variants Errors

21916704 Duplicate name-value pair [Variation Name] in variation specifics.
The "Duplicate name-value pair [Variation Name] in variation specifics" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes duplicate variation names or values, which is not allowed by eBay's listing policies.
21916672 Disabled as variant error.
The "The tags [Variation Name] is/are disabled as variant" error occurs when an attempt is made to use certain tags or attributes as variations in an eBay listing, but those tags are currently disabled or not supported for variations.
21916663 Sale Type not supported.
The "Sale Type does not support variation listings" error occurs when an attempt is made to create or update a product listing with variations in a sale type that does not allow for variations, such as auction listings on eBay.
21916635 Invalid Multi-SKU item id.
The "Invalid Multi-SKU item id supplied with variations" error occurs when an attempt is made to list or update a product on eBay with variations using an invalid SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) identifier.
21916591 Invalid variation SKU number.
The "A variation could not be found for the given SKU number" error occurs when eBay is unable to match the provided SKU number to any existing variation in a product listing.
21916587 Missing name in name-value list.
The "Missing name in the variation specifics or variation specifics set" error occurs when a required variation name is not provided in a product listing on eBay, preventing the listing from being processed.
21916585 Duplicate custom variation label.
The "Duplicate custom variation label" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes multiple variations with the same label, which is not allowed by eBay’s variation management policies.
21916582 Duplicate VariationSpecifics trait value.
The "Duplicate VariationSpecifics trait value in the VariationSpecificsSet container" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes multiple variations with identical trait values, which is not allowed by eBay’s variation management policies.
942 Quantity is not valid for an item with variations
The "At least one of the variations associated with this listing must have a quantity greater than 0" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes variations, but none of the variations have a quantity greater than zero.

eBay Media Errors

eBay Policies Errors

eBay Shipping Errors

21919152 Shipping policy is required.
The "Shipping Policy is Required" error occurs when an attempt is made to list or update a product on eBay without specifying a shipping policy, which is mandatory for most listings on the platform.
21917327 You've provided an invalid postage policy.
The "You've provided an invalid postage policy" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes a shipping policy that does not comply with eBay's guidelines or contains incorrect information.
21917177 Please enter valid dimensions for your package.
The "Please enter valid dimensions for your package" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes invalid or improperly formatted package dimensions, preventing the listing from being published or updated.
21916496 Shipping cost cannot be calculated since the item location is different from the site.
The "Shipping cost cannot be calculated since the item location is different from the site. Use flat rate shipping" error occurs when eBay cannot calculate the shipping cost due to a mismatch between the item's location and the site where the listing is being created, prompting the seller to use flat rate shipping instead.
21916389 Handling time is required.
The "Handling time is required" error occurs when a product listing on eBay does not specify the handling time, which is a mandatory field indicating the number of business days it takes to ship the item after receiving payment.
21915469 A shipping service is not specified.
The "At least one valid shipping service must be specified" error occurs when a product listing on eBay does not include any valid shipping services, which is a mandatory requirement for all listings.
219144 Package dimensions are less than minimum limit
The "Package dimensions are less than minimum limit" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies package dimensions that are smaller than the minimum allowable size set by eBay's shipping policies.
219022 Package dimensions exceeded maximum limit
The "Package dimensions exceeded maximum allowable limit for service [Postal Carrier]" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies package dimensions that exceed the maximum allowable size for the chosen postal carrier's service.
219021 Package weight exceeds the maximum limit.
The "Package weight is over the weight limit for service [shipping service name]" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies a package weight that exceeds the maximum allowable weight for the chosen shipping service.
19011 Shipping Service Missing
The "Please specify a shipping service and charges for this item" error occurs when a product listing on eBay does not include a specified shipping service and associated charges, which are mandatory for all listings.
17805 Enter only the numeric portion of the PostalCode.
The "Enter only the numeric portion of the PostalCode" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes a postal code with non-numeric characters, which is not accepted by eBay's system for certain regions.
17806 Enter a full UK PostalCode.
The "Enter a full UK Postal Code" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies an incomplete or incorrect UK postal code, which is required for accurate shipping calculations and compliance with eBay’s listing requirements.
17804 Please enter a valid ZIP Code.
The "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes an invalid or incorrectly formatted ZIP Code, which is required for accurate shipping calculations and compliance with eBay’s listing requirements.
17103 Please enter a valid postal code.
Error: Please Enter a Valid Postal Code Short Description The "Please enter a valid postal code" error occurs when a product listing on eBay includes an invalid or incorrectly formatted postal code, which is required for accurate shipping calculations and compliance with eBay’s listing requirements.
12519 Shipping service is not available.
The "Shipping service [service name] is not available" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies a shipping service that is not available for the item’s location or destination, or it is not recognized by eBay.
10081 Invalid shipping package.
The "Invalid <PostagePackage>" error occurs when the <PostagePackage> field in a product listing on eBay contains incorrect or improperly formatted data, which is required for specifying the package details for shipping.
715 Invalid value provided for Weight Minor
The "Invalid value provided for Weight Minor" error occurs when a product listing on eBay specifies an incorrect or improperly formatted value for the Weight Minor field, which is required for accurate shipping calculations.
10041 Revise item failed.
The "ShippingService cannot be revised if the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours" error occurs when a seller attempts to change the shipping service for a listing that has active bids, ongoing Best Offers, or is within 12 hours of ending.
717 Package weight is not valid or is missing.
The "The package weight is not valid or is missing. Provide a valid number for the weight" error occurs when a product listing on eBay does not include a valid or correctly formatted package weight, which is required for accurate shipping calculations.
560 Invalid WeightUnit.
The "WeightUnit must correspond to predefined eBay values" error occurs when the weight unit specified in a product listing does not match the acceptable values predefined by eBay, leading to an invalid listing.
37 Input data for tag <Item.[___]> is invalid or missing. Please check API documentation.
The "Input data for tag <Item.[___]> is invalid or missing. Please check API documentation" error occurs when a product listing on eBay is missing required data or contains invalid data for a specific tag in the API request.
71 Location missing.
The "Your item's location was not filled in. The location field helps buyers determine the shipping cost(s) for the item, and should always be included" error occurs when a product listing on eBay does not specify the item location, which is required for calculating shipping costs.

eBay System Errors

21919451 Include eBay Product Details preference cannot be changed
The "Include eBay Product Details preference cannot be changed" error occurs when an attempt is made to modify the setting to include eBay's product details in a listing, but the platform does not allow this change.
83 Duration Invalid.
The "The duration '[]' day(s) is not available for this listing type, or invalid for category '[]'" error occurs when the specified listing duration is either not supported for the chosen listing type or is not valid for the selected category.

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