A "Long Product Titles" error occurs when product titles exceed the character limit set by Google Shopping, potentially leading to truncated titles or disapproval of the product listing.
A "Missing Product Identifiers" error occurs when required product identifiers such as GTIN, MPN, or brand are not provided for products listed on Google Shopping, potentially leading to the disapproval of the product listing.
A "Price Mismatch" error occurs when the product price listed in your Google Shopping feed does not match the price displayed on your website, leading to potential disapproval of the product listing.
An "Invalid GTIN" error occurs when the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) provided for a product on Google Shopping is incorrect, improperly formatted, or not recognized, leading to the disapproval of the product listing.
A "Missing Microdata" error occurs when product listings on Google Shopping lack the necessary structured data markup, which helps Google understand and display product information accurately.
An "Invalid Value for Category" error occurs when the category provided for a product on Google Shopping does not match the accepted taxonomy or is improperly formatted, leading to potential disapproval of the product listing.
An "Invalid Image" error occurs when images associated with products on Google Shopping fail to meet Google's specifications or are improperly formatted, resulting in the rejection of the product listing.
A "Policy Violation" error occurs when a product listing on Google Shopping fails to comply with Google's policies, leading to the disapproval or suspension of the product or entire account.
A "Missing Shipping Information" error occurs when the necessary shipping details for products listed on Google Shopping are not provided, leading to the potential disapproval of the product listing.
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